Thursday, January 8, 2009

There's still so much time!

BOYS! Holy cow, that's all I've been hearing about lately! Let me start out with my views on boyfriends and what not. . . Well, I feel like there's still ten years before you could even start worrying about guys and who your going to meet, who your going to marry, who's perfect, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I don't believe that you LOVE a guy after two months. I think abstinence is key to a happy relationship(until you get married of course) and I think that there truly is someone that God has made just for you in this world. . .

Going to a public school is hard enough as it is, not to mention the fact that your only "cool" if you have a boyfriend. Girls change guys like they change clothes! And when they first start "going out"that night, they exchange "I love you's" and "I can't live without you's". It's just ridiculous. Honestly. There's people making out in the hall way, holding hands right in front of principals, etc. etc. etc! I've been asked so many times who my boyfriend is, and when I say no one, it's the hugest deal! They say, "WHAT?! You don't have a boyfriend? Why?" Well, what can I say to that? There's just no one that has truly caught my eye.

But I have to say, that sometimes I do get jealous of the girls that seem to have found the dream guy. Like my best friend. She has never had a boyfriend before now, but her first one, is THE ONE. They are such a great couple and they really do favor eachother. Nolan knows everything about Emily and vice versa. Well, little Emily is truly in love and here I am, ecstatic for her! I was literally jumping up and down. But, I can't help but feel a little jealous. I mean, she has prayed about this oppurtunity, as have I, and well, look where she's at! She's got a promise ring, plans, etc. And here I am, just in the "Woah! He's sooooo hot!" stage. I want what she has. And like so many of the girls at my school I sometimes want a guy to make me happy like they're happy. Not to say, that I haven't had any offers, because that's the complete opposite. But, I choose to say no and wait for a guy that I actually might have a chance with. But the bad thing is, is that right after I do it, I regret waiting. Sometimes I just want to say "YES!" just to say I have a boyfriend. The thought of one, is most times so much better than actually having one.

So I guess for now the only thing I can really do is pray about it. I know that God has a great guy in store for me one day, and honestly, I can't wait for that day to come. There's someone out there that is going to be perfect for me, but it's so hard to look ahead to that, when all I can see is here and now. But I know that it's in the making, and I just look to myself and think, there's still so much time!


  1. Oh, Amelia ... do not be discouraged. I think I could have written this myself back when I was your age ... I did not have a serious boyfriend until AFTER I graduated high school and that was by choice. And with every guy I dated in college, I learned something about myself and about God. Those relationships enriched my life and they were healthy ... and if I had met Sam when I was a freshman, I would NEVER have married him. We had different interests and concerns and ways of treating people. It took those developmental high school and college years for God to mold us into the ministry team He planned for us to be.

    Any girl can do certain things and act certain ways to get a guy. But it is much harder to be that rare, special girl who actually respects herself and others. Do not compare yourself to Emily as she will have a different road to travel with her present choices. You are not her. And God has a different plan for you. Check this out in 1 Corinthians 7: "I would like you to be free from concern ... An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world - how she can please her husband. I am saying this not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord."

    Do not awaken those desires or concerns in your heart too soon. You and Emily are both very young and I believe through this verse that God desires a heart sold out to him at your age. You will never have these years back to do the work of the Lord as you can now. Be thankful for that (I know you are) and recognize God's personalized plan for YOUR life ...

    And I love that you are not like all those other girls at your school. I love that you have high standards and that you do not take your ministry and your heart's desires lightly. Keep that up.

  2. Duh, you DID have me as a teacher ... for 2 years, remember? Glad I'm so forgettable ... lol.

  3. Your not!!
    I love you so much!
    Your not forgetable!
    Gosh, you make me feel so bad!

    I just meant as an english teacher!

  4. oh my goodness!
    i know how you feel! totally left behind!BUT

    Don't you even worry about finding the guy for you! you are: Faithful, beautiful, kind, devoted, understanding, funny, crazy, outgoing, and just plain awesome!

    so the perfect guy may not come for another ten years but you'll find him!

    don't ever feel like you have to say yes just so you can have a man! you and i both know dating a guy just cuz is pointless! Find a guy that has a chance! he doesn't have to be the perfect one yet....test a few guys out first!

    but the perfect ones out there.... :)
