Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's such a divine opportunity ...

So I've been thinking a lot about mission trip lately ... I'm going on a mission trip to Argentina in March, and to tell you the truth, I'm so excited for what God is going to do in my life while I'm there! It's a lot of money and a lot of time to devote, but I know that it will be SOOOOOO worth it. I found out about this trip through my church and I knew I wanted to go from the very beginning. And, I know that God wanted me to go too. The trip was supposed to be last year and only for high schoolers. Well, then, I was in eighth grade, so I wouldn't have been able to go. But, hey! Guess what? It was moved to this spring break of my freshman year! I'm so excited but there is definately a lot of preparing I want to do before this trip. And I'm pretty anxious about a couple of things ...

Number one, I have never been this far out of the country before. I've gotten the chance to go to Mexico and Canada, but that's as far as I've ventured. So, for me to go to the farthest country in South America without my parents will definately be kinda hard. Flying is fine, not scared of that at all. Going to a country that I've never been to that's really far from home, now that makes me a little nervous ...

Number two, I know this sounds very adolescent of me, but food is an issue here! I am one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever met and so going to a foreign country and eating their food, probably won't go over too well. My idea, I'm just going to pack an little bag of my own snacks. When I'm writing this right now I feel selfish and high-maintenance but my stomach most likely won't adjust well there!

And number three, I have to admit, I like my parents a little (note the sarcasm) and I know they're going to be worried about me while I'm gone. I know they'll be fine but I don't want them to worry that I'm not being safe or whatever. My mom's already given me the "Don't go anywhere alone" lecture and "Don't drink the water unless it's bottled!" speech.

But I know that God will take care of all those things! I'm just so excited to have the oppurtunity to do something like this! This is a huge oppurtunity for a little high schooler from Crowley, to get to go to Argentina to minister to people that need to here what I have to say! It's so exciting to think that God has set this up that I would be able to go, because I have a purpose in going. I know that I really need to prepare my heart for it, because this is a huge deal and I want to remember this as a great experience and that I was prepared for and that I grew closer to God than I ever had before. I can't wait! :)


  1. Yay- this post got me really excited about the trip. And I'm sooo with you about the food. And Sam is not much of an experimenter, either, so I'm sure we'll be okay. Besides, i don't think the food is THAT different there than here. I mean, it's not China -- phew!

    Anyway, we're going to have fun and it's such a small group going that I'm also looking forward to spending time with all of you. :)

    Love ya -- hope you're having a great day, MEEL-YAH!

  2. By the way, oppurtunity?? Yeah, it's spelled OPPORTUNITY. What are you, a Texan? LOL. :)

  3. HAHA! Didn't even catch that! I am a Texan and it's freaking exam week!

    I hate you! :(

    lol just kidding I love you. :)

  4. And I'm glad I'm not the only one with a food problem! LOL.

    And I'm sooooooo excited to spend time with you too!
    Small group=lots of time(:

