Monday, January 19, 2009

Rockin' to what?!

Ok, so I'm just sitting here listening to the current "cool" music ... I just wonder where it's all gone! The most popular radio stations just play the same new songs over and over until you practically hate them after a week! The cool artists now ... Beyonce, Jesse McCartney, Brittany Spears, etc. just aren't that great. What ever happened to Bon Jovi, Heart, The Carpenters, Beach Boys, etc. etc. etc.?! That was real music.

All people really care about is something you can dance to, but I like the meaning behind the words; the struggle that the artist went through, and overcame, to eventually write the song. I don't like the "techno" feeling of most songs, I like the songs you can relate to, the one's that even if you don't like the song, you still can't turn it off.

I love the old rock tunes, the head-banging songs that the whole crowd gets into. I really loooooooooooovvveeeeee music, REALLY. But, it seems like all of the current music just doesn't float my boat.

It also seems like for the music to be cool, there has to be quite a bit of inappropriate stuff in there. It seems like every song that's on has AT LEAST one cuss word, or sexual reference, if that's just not the whole entire song!

All of this is not to say that I don't like most music, most times, the first time I hear a song, I usually think it's pretty good. I personally just think I should have been a teenager in the '80s because I would have rocked it out! I definately have the hair that could have made me the coolest girl in school; not to mention, I'd probably be at a concert every weekend!

Oh, the joy of being so technologically advanced is so great ... NOT. :)


  1. Your observation about choosing songs you can dance to is so right on ... seems like the dance club scene is controlling what people deem a good song. I wish I could say that I only liked songs for the lyrics, but it's just not always true ... I tend to judge music on the basis of "can I sing along to this" and is there a good bass rhythm? If a song is easy to listen to and creates a good sound, I'm all for it. That is probably why the club music gets on my nerves because if I'm not dancing, just listening, it's heavily repetitive!

    Anyway ... good thoughts!

  2. OMG! I know what you mean! ~lol~
    No one parties like they did in the 80's (Motley Crue anyone?)
    IDK about the Carpenters but I ADORE Bon Jovi!
    I am probably going to quit leaving comments on ancient bloggage now, as I'm sure I'm annoying but I couldnt' help this one!
